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Old 04-03-2018, 02:18 PM   #11
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Things like exhaust bolts do rust. Big blanking deal.

But for the car to be in the condition cosmetically that it appears to be in says someone took car of it.

So the mechanic who told you that stuff could be just listing all the things that could go wrong or will go wrong. It is an older car. It didn't cost you what a new one would. You are going to have to put some repair and maintenance costs into it just as with any older car.

My last Boxster purchase was lots younger than this car and I needed new brakes, tires, alignment, major service and a few other minor odds and ends and it was a delight for the next 5 years. Could it fail tomorrow? Yes. Accident tomorrow? Yes.

It will come down to an emotional decision and your willingness to accept risk. The only way to avoid the risk is to pay 10 times more for new.
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