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Old 04-03-2018, 10:37 AM   #6
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Northern Indiana
Posts: 410
This question wll evoke many responses, but it really comes down to who the person is and how they view a car; is it just a machine, or is it family? Some would say a car is only a means to an end and nothing more than a collection of parts while others (myself included) form an emotional attachment. I suppose the best way for you to answer your question of how you should proceed is to place yourself in a hypothetical situation where the car was destroyed beyond all hope of would you feel? Happy to receive a check in the mail, or heartbroken to see an empty parking spot? Draw a line on paper and place the two options at the extremes then decide and make a mark where you fall on this will have your decision.

Best wishes.
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