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Old 03-31-2018, 12:34 PM   #38
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Northern Indiana
Posts: 410
Looking at this in the simplest form, the purest way to add sound and power (without adding compression psi or chilling air) is to run a straight unfiltered intake and a direct exhaust (removing the muffler). Obviously this solution would be, well stupid, but if you look at it on a prismatic scale with this option being infrared and the other end (sealed intake and exhaust...which would be the most quiet and least power) being ultraviolet, the task at hand is to try and move the needle as far infrared as possible. Now here's the For me this is a rabbit hole that I personally didn't want to fall into, because once you do, the bottom is unreachable and the only result is going to be some sort of compromise. Let's focus on that word...compromise. And the other word of the day, trust, because without trust, no compromise will be acceptable.

So, now let's look at engineering, or to be more specific, engineering in a large corporate environment. Porsche engineers (I assume) would like to keep the needle in the far infrared range, but there are some constraints...cost, regulation, (litigation?), and also not to build an entry level car that out performs higher end models; so we end up with compromise. Now as the owner, I fully understand that compromises have been made, but I'm ok with that...because I trust that the compromises were at least true to the basic core beliefs of Porsche, and that even though they colored inside the lines, they colored to the very extent of the's possible they didn't, but I choose trust over paranoia. Could I improve on the compromises made? Sure. Would I feel like I violated trust? Maybe. But knowing who I am, if I start re-engineering in one area, I won't be really happy until I fix every compromise or perceived compromise, and before I'd know it, I'm midway down that darn rabbit hole with exponential velocity...and in the end I'd just end up with a compromise anyway.
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