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Old 03-27-2018, 04:28 AM   #4103
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Originally Posted by kirkandorules View Post
My 5 year old is off school on spring break this week, so we spent the day driving around running errands. First test of my new Michelin Super Sports in the rain - so much better traction than the all-season tires I had before, even in mid-40 degree temps. We stopped at the local dealership to pick up a few parts, and drooled over a 991 Targa in the showroom. I think I need one of those.

I took an afternoon off of work and got most of it done, then finished up over the next two nights. All in all, probably about 10 hours of work. Long and at times tedious, but there wasn't really a point where I felt it was too difficult. I followed the Pelican instructions, the guide on Mike Focke's site, and this guy's videos.

Tool-wise, nothing more obscure than a set of torx bits is needed. The thing that made the job take so many days for me was materials - I had some double-sided Gorilla Tape which I tried first, but that didn't work. All of the guides recommend 3M 06384 tape, and they're absolutely right. Make sure to get two rolls of this - I was lucky that a local O'Relly had it in stock, otherwise I would have been waiting longer. I'd also recommend grabbing a can of 3M 08090 adhesive spray. The 3 guides I followed were all helpful, and it was nice to reference different perspectives on things the handful of times I got stuck - they all did it slightly differently, and I'd recommend reading/watching all before doing the job.

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