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Old 03-16-2018, 10:44 PM   #135
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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MWS, It would be fun to contact the previous owner to let him know what has happened to the car, but I have no interest in letting it go. It's MY baby now.

PaulE, Yes, that is the muffler. Lance's first shipping quote was about $200. Our current plan will cost about $50.

I drove it to work this evening and spent a couple hours on basic cleaning of door jams, the rollbar, and leather. The brakes are still shedding enough rust/dust that the wheels don't stay clean long. The car getting better, but with the soaking, dirt got everywhere. It will need a good pull-apart cleaning to get it where I want it. The current floor mats are just extras I had. I plan to get Coco Mats for it when I'm finished with the major work.

I've found that the car has a fairly significant leak from the power steering rack. After looking it up in the service manual, there are no procedures to repair the rack other than replace it. I'm glad that the parts car I picked up has a good rack. I'll probably keep topping it off and drive it for the next several days, then swap it out next week. I have about 100 miles on the car now and I'd like at least 200 (even better, 500) before I garage it again for more checks, and service.
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Last edited by 78F350; 03-16-2018 at 11:13 PM.
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