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Old 03-01-2018, 04:19 PM   #2
Brian in Tucson
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Tucson AZ
Posts: 536
Originally Posted by Doug427 View Post
The rear plastic window in my '02 S model is virtually opaque. I have a complete 2003 top that I bought that I'll be installing on the car in the coming months so that I can have a full size glass rear window, but I have so much to do on the car until then that I was hoping that there is a way to make a temporary improvement so I can at least see through the darned thing. It's very cloudy, and around the edges it looks almost like there is some sort of mold on the window. Is there some sort of drastic procedure available that can help improve this on a temporary basis? I tried Plast-X ( I believe that's the name). The window just laughed at me, no improvement at all. Rubbing and rubbing on this thing got me nowhere other than a sore hand and arm. Any stronger chemicals or a procedure using some sort of power tool, or both?

edit - trying to fix misspelled typo in title, so far no luck.
A local indie eurocar shop here swears this stuff works, so I'm going to give it a try.

Doesn't cost much and probably won't make the window any worse.

Btw, I can think of funner ways to get a sore hand and arm!
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2007 Toyota Highlander
2003 New Beetle Convertible, Turbo, Tip 6 speed
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