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Old 03-01-2018, 01:05 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by B6T View Post
Also, Tom, on the subject of the 2.7t swap. The way I looked at it was if you have to fabricate the turbo manifolds/up-pipes, exhaust, and everything else that makes the 2.7t different from a normal 2.8L V6... then why wouldn't you just swap in the engine with 2 extra cylinders to begin with. A turbo V8 Boxster is way cooler than a turbo V6 Boxster... just saying
Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. The way I approached my first 2.7t build, I could have put a turbo V8 in there. I don't think a naturally aspirated V8 with a turbo kit would do the numbers I wanted out of the V6 (was looking for 600bhp) without the bottom end being built and the RS6 V8's are expensive.

The other thing that puts me off the V8 is they always seem to end up being a bit of hack job when it comes to the intake and throttle body. Fabricating an inlet manifold seems to be the only tidy way around it.

I'm building another 2.7t and plan on keeping the turbos in the standard location this time.
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