I would avoid this kit for sure because the things he is telling you make no sense. First is boost level I need to clear up your unit of measure are we talking foot pounds? (ft. Lbs.) If so the factory SC from TPC come with a pulley that creates 4.5 Ft. Lbs of boost. If he detuned his kit to 5.5 I have a feeling someone installed a different size pulley on the SC unit. If this is the case, motors are blowing for just cause. Compressed air is hot and will cause detonation. Detonation over time even extremely short time equals a blown motor no if ands or buts about it. I have installed SC kits in the past and have never seen boost shoot up in the first two seconds as he described. Now, if the blow off valve is bad I can understand a build up of pressure. The ladder makes no sense to me. Next the IA kit is the one where you change the factory injectors not the TPC kit. Finally, how in the world could you control an additional injector if you disconnect it from the factory ECU? If it was wired direct the motor would flood with gasoline. The whole thing just doesn't add up. The best part is he readily admits to blowing up three cars and still thinks you would buy the kit. Honest to a fault or just plain stupid?
2002 TT
Last edited by ohioboxster; 08-30-2006 at 08:30 AM.