NewArt wrote:
Thought that I might run this by you. I took the car out for a spin yesterday. It ran like crap for the first 10 minutes but then everything smoothed out. I guess that the DME was adapting during my drive. I didn't push the car at all, hardly getting above 4000 RPM. When I got back home I left the car idling and hooked up the Durametric to see what the fuel trims looked like. The results are a bit wonky but I haven't got my Anniversary Edition tune yet. In light of my recent air intake intervention, do you think that these results are to be expected or should I be looking for a leak?
FRA 1: 1.28
RKAT 1: 2.53
FRA 2: 1.29
RKAT 2: 2.67
MAF: 1.18V
9 kg/h
Let me know what you think.
The Radium King replied:
"They look pretty much as you should expect pre-tune. your rkats are idle trims and in %; around 2.5% each side which is high as expected but within the 4% spec. they are positive which means the ecu is adding fuel as expected.
your fra values are around 1.3; more than the 1.2 that i’d predicted but close enough for the cocktail napkin math that i’d done. again, they are positive which means adding fuel as expected and, very close to the 1.32 spec which triggers a cel.
so, i think you are good; science wins another one."
James now has: 2008 987S 6 speed
Crashed: 2010 987.2 pdk in speed yellow!

Sold to a cool racer chick: 2004 986 S
YouTube channel: the PORSCHE as seen by NewArt