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Old 02-24-2018, 04:59 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Geof3 View Post
Rereading your post it looks as though the current system is aftermarket. I would guess that if you don't have any issues, and the installer used a proper adapter, you should be fine.
I'm thinking that while of course the new radio will have a different plug than the old one, I will just use the same leads for power and ground to the new adapter plug and all should (at least in theory) be well.

I'm very curious as to how the new radio will work. I took a chance on something new, I ordered one of those Android touch screen head units off of eBay. They look very, very cool on eBay. We'll see what the reality is when it's installed. They're cheap enough (I paid $148) that if it turns out to be a dud it's not a huge financial loss.
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