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Old 02-22-2018, 06:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by wmjosiah View Post
Honestly I'm more curious than anything else - it's not so much the money. I might buy the Lubri-Moly and the Porsche stuff and try both, for science. I'm sure there's more to oil than these specs (friction modifiers etc - I don't know what I'm talking about), but I haven't seen enough info on the Lubri-Moly stuff on the lists I'm seeing and I wanna know, since the specs I'm looking at look pretty close to Porsche spec.
I get it...
Did lots of research and paid the price for the Unicorn oil. Figured since I couldn't come up with convincing evidence to the contrary, I figured the best I could do was eliminate second guessing myself.

Full Disclosure: This is from a guy with a $72 Gates water pump (going on 4 years).
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