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Old 02-22-2018, 12:51 PM   #12
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by Boxstard View Post
Yep, that’s it!!!

PM me, I do PayPal.
Boxstard, I actually did drop off the part with Jason, not wanting to steal a customer from his listing...

I picked up a parts car from there today. I can confirm that he is legit and sicker than I am with the Boxster buying addiction.
I got a partially stripped out '01 to replace my completely stripped parts car. Decent price for all that was included.

He has a few cars to pick from stored with a local indy shop.

It seems that much of what he has is consumed by the shop, or used for his flips.
Jason, thanks for the shell. I'll be in touch if I need any more large parts.
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