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Old 02-13-2018, 10:18 PM   #119
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by itsnotanova View Post
I see you have a seat back in. Were you able to save them? I figured the leather would get tough and brittle after sitting in water like it did.
Woody, I am a little concerned about the leather, but so far it all looks good except for the upper 1/2 of the dash. I cleaned and treated it all pretty thoroughly when I first got the car. I just got 3 Liters of Lexol, but I'm not sure if any further treatment will be better or worse. For the moment the seats look almost new, but that dampness sitting there for so long must have taken a toll.

I put the rest of interior together today. I have an old 4-spoke steering wheel and airbag in until I see about re-affixing some of the leather on the airbag.

Started insurance on it and drove to the Tag Agency. They said that my Oklahoma Salvage title is in the mail, and I'll have to bring it in to get the rebuilt title. Sounds good, it will probably arrive in tomorrow's mail.
While driving it today I got the Check engine light for both secondary O2 sensors and an ABS light for the brake pedal switch not working. I'm expecting these sorts of things and have parts on hand for most of it as they come up.

I took the door lock from my old parts car and pulled it apart. It took me some figuring, but I made it match the key that I have for the car. Hopefully I'll get it installed before I lock myself out.
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