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Old 02-06-2018, 09:32 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Wangta View Post
Thanks Geof. Can you check the RMS on a simple PPI? I'm wondering if the IMS is really an issue on a 120k mile car? It seems IMS pop up early if there is an issue.
Yes and no, you can certainly see if there is a leak, but can’t definitively diagnose as the trans needs to be removed to access. If there are signs of a leak then it is most likely the RMS. No way to tell on the IMS either. LN has a VIN lookup that might be worth while. Regarding whether or not to be concerned, the IMS is always a thought as it is a bearing. However, 1 in 10 are going to fail. If your RMS is showing a leak it is worthwhile to do the IMS at the same time.
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