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Old 02-06-2018, 01:12 AM   #14
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"Might want to replace the top with a glass version - but I understand that that requires a full replacement of the top, frame and motors? That sounds like a PITA? What does everyone mean when they have to "karate chop" the back window? My test rive had the hard top on it, so I didn't get the privilege. "

Replacing the top on a 2001 with the smaller glass rear window after market version, can be done as a straight replacement on the existing frame. Updating to the factory glass window top from the 2003-2004 models, requires the existing frame to be removed and replaced with the later 2003-2004 frame.
The Karate chop refers to the technique of helping the plastic window fold in the correct fashion when lowering the top by "chopping it with your hand". It has a tendency to kink and crumple in an irregular way at times, instead of folding straight across.
Most experienced owners will "throw in the towel" to make the window fold in a gentle curve, instead of the sharp kink without the towel. In cold climates and if the plastic window is brittle from old age, it can crack at the fold line from the sharpness of the fold. It also helps eliminate the crease the forms in the window if the top is left folded for a long period of time. You take an old towel and roll it up into a long tube. Then you place it into the folded area of the plastic window to make it to fold in a nice rounded arch, instead of a sharp kink.
There have been a few members that have replaced their tops as a DIY project. There are articles and posts on the forum and other sites on how it was done.
You can sell the hard top for about what it will cost to have the soft top replaced professionally.
2000S Ocean Blue Metallic- 116K
3X Water Pump, Clear side markers, Crios Mod, Front engine mount, Flywheel, clutch, RMS, AOS, MAF, serpentine belt, power brake vacuum line, battery, 2X CV boots, Fuel filter, Oil filler tube, 3X ignition switch, 90K service, gas cap, Coolant tank

Last edited by Spinnaker; 02-06-2018 at 01:14 AM.
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