Originally Posted by mikefocke
The IMS ball bearing is immersed in oil at rest, serviced by mist when spinning. You should not oil feed such a bearing.
"The Solution" is a flat bearing which is why it requires oil feed.
The RMS bearing was actually tested first but not refined and productized until distributors asked for it.
Profit is one of the motivators for product developers. It is not a dirty word. It took years of testing, lots of engines destroyed and lots of money spent before the first dollar of revenue was ever received for a product that Porsche said couldn't be done.
+ 1
I am with Mike on this one, as the Solution requires a film of oil to provide lubrication, but keep in mind that the beauty of the IMS Solution does not have any moving parts.. The IMS shaft is supported by a metal bearing, similar to the bearings on your crank mains or your con rod bearings.
BTW, you should see how much does a special bearing for an aerospace application like a gas turbine engine or gearbox bearing costs..