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Old 02-04-2018, 05:59 AM   #3994
Brian in Tucson
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Tucson AZ
Posts: 536
Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
Brian, Check with the pro's, but if I remember correctly, you do not want to use ANY sealant there. Make sure to use a new and correct coated metal gasket like in this picture and have both surfaces clean.

Also one or two bolts are longer than the rest. make sure they are in the correct position.
Thanks, I got it sealed up & it doesn't leak anymore. Coolant's in, everything is done, and I started it yesterday. It's a used engine, and has a heck of a lifter noise. Gonna have to see what happens after I start to drive it and get some heat and rpms on it. I really don't want to start pulling valve covers and disturbing the cam timing. I bought a quart of Marvel Mystery Oil and probably will end up putting that in.

This is my first Porsche. My first Porsche engine swap, too. It's going to take a while for my arthritic shoulders and the cuts on my arms and hands to recover. In the meantime, I'm just gonna drive the S O B.:dance:
2001 Boxster
2007 Toyota Highlander
2003 New Beetle Convertible, Turbo, Tip 6 speed
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