I had this problem on my car as well and I ended up just replacing the regulator - problem gone! The DIY for the regulator isn't horribly difficult, just a little fiddly. If you have a friend to help, it'll be much easier. I used a combination of the 101 Projects book and a couple of YouTube videos to guide me. Just be careful with disconnecting the battery - if you do it wrong you will set off the airbag failure warning when you plug it back in and will have to use a durametric to turn off that light... ask me how I know.
It took me about 2 hours to do the whole thing, working at a leisurely pace. I used the URO Parts replacement, which I have heard mixed reviews on, but it is working fine for me so far.
There is also a way to reset the door mechanism - I would try this first - I think, and someone can correct me on this, you're supposed to lower the window all the way down, hold the switch for 5 seconds, release, press it down again, and then raise the window. This worked for me for a bit, but then I had to replace the regulator. Hope this helps! Let me know if you need more advice / tips - I recently did this job.