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Old 01-21-2018, 06:49 PM   #39
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: St. Louis, MO
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Originally Posted by gsy4771 View Post
What is your philosophy on the IMS? That gives me the most heartache, I have probably read too much at this point.

I also see you live in MO, I'm in PA and guessing we have a similar weather band. Do you plan on driving it year round?
Have heard the IMS issue is often overstated, but sadly from all my reading it does not offer signs of wear before failure (w/o removal of the bearing for inspection). Luckily there are many options for addressing the IMS's shortcomings.

The solution the "soon to be" previous owner used is known as "IMS Solutions" which includes a plain bearing to replace the ball bearing, and that plain bearing is lubricated by pressurized engine oil. End result, the unit is considered permanent and requires no additional maintenance (this I like). Some of the other solutions replace the bearing with a ceramic bearing, roller bearing, or new ball bearing, and each has a predetermined maintenance interval. Luckily, each allows you to not worry about the IMS until every other clutch change (approximately).

As to the car, no, it will not be daily driven. This will be a weekend car, and used to commute to work on nice days. I'd estimate 5000 miles a year, maybe less. The car I'm replacing averaged about 3,000 miles a year. This one will likely get slightly more use, as it has A/C, but still it won't be an all weather machine.
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