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Old 01-21-2018, 09:51 AM   #35
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itsnotanova is right. It's suspected that there will be lots of water and oil in the exhaust system and cats. Also check the intake system.

I would pull plugs a.s.a.p. and turn over the engine by hand. If water has found it's way into the cylinders – which i suspect, than it's important to get the water out there a.s.a.p. Much more important than seats and other stuff.

Because you put the car on jack stands, make shure you've got all water out of the system. Maybe its a good idea to pull the oil pan before putting in new oil.

Seats: don't put them in bags. They need to dry completely. Best would be a warm, ventilated area without sun. Else you get must / mildew in the foam.

Check the ball joints and steering system for water.

Regards, Markus

PS: Problem with filling the cylinders with oil / 2 stroke oil ist that it's a flat engine. So you cannot fill the, up like a inlne or v engine.

Last edited by Smallblock454; 01-21-2018 at 09:54 AM.
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