Monday 1/15, still no car. It was supposed to be picked up by Friday and delivered over the weekend. I'm calling Copart this morning to see what the delay is.
All three of us posted at the same minute... funny.
Originally Posted by Oldcarguy
Is that a 550 SE? Those look like 18” Carrera lights painted in the Seal Gray over Arctic Silver. If so, what is the production number on the batwing? Is the top and interior cocoa or dark gray?
I am traveling to visit family in NH and MA through the weekend, and the car is being delivered to a friends place while I am gone. I'll figure out exactly what it is and report back. Seems to be the Full cocoa SE. no view of the batwing yet.

...not sure how well the interior is going to hold up after the soaking.
edit: Started a thread for the car:
The Houston 04 SE