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Old 01-09-2018, 09:05 AM   #50
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ohio
Posts: 2,021
My path was accidental and admittedly kind of an impulsive and dumb choice. I had been lurking on the forum starting over 10 years ago (well before I got my Box in 2006), but hadn't ever bothered to register, content for a while just to absorb what others wrote. A few years later, one of my sons saw me reading some post or other and asked why I didn't join. Told him I just hadn't bothered, had never been a member of any forum before, hadn't really even figured out how to do it. (As the bad guy in Live Free or Die Hard said about Bruce Willis’s John McClane, I’m kind of a Timex watch in a digital age!)

So he elbows me aside at the computer and starts to do it for me. When he got to the point where he needed to enter a username, he asked who I wanted to be, a question I wasn't exactly prepared for. Not having really thought about it, I just sort of blurted out "Frodo", the first thing that popped into my head. (I think possibly we had recently seen one of the Lord of the Rings movies maybe?) Thought I could give it more thought later and change it down the road to something I would be happier with---didn't realize that such changes can't be done. Soooo, 1,508 posts later, I still be Frodo. It remains a goofy choice, but it's sort of grown on me over time.
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