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Old 01-04-2018, 09:40 AM   #10
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
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Years ago I got the go ahead to buy a Porsche. Started out looking at the 928. Too big, too old. And then for the next 4 weeks I drove every thing that even looked like a sportscar. 'vette: see 928. Jaguar: talk about maintenance. BMW: took me a half a block to turn around and surprise the dealer with a no. Miata and Honda. Too small inside and I didn't want something that I had to wind up. So I saw a Boxster advertised. Test drive 1 mile out and one mile back. Bought it. Six months later totaled it and waited only 2 months before buying another Boxster.

It fit for me in that it was small enough, smooth enough, fun enough and had enough oomph. I'm not into drag racing, my sportcars in my youth had as little as 85 HP (914 and 2 Alfas).

But my selection might not be right for you. Shop around, test drive. Don't buy the first thing you see/drive even the first of a model you decide fits you. Do get a PPI from a mechanic who knows the M96 Porsches.

Wonderful cars. Highly reliable for me. After an initial 'get its services updated', I doubt I spent $500 in 5 years on unplanned items. I don't count batteries and tires, those you expect.
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