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Old 12-26-2017, 10:32 AM   #5
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Bearing was a dual row. I replaced it this past weekend with LN retrofit. Bearing that came out was still in pristine condition, both seals intact, no play, and based on the style of bearing looks to be the factory original, so not bad for 97k miles. Rear main seal went in super easy. Thanks to everyone on the forum who has posted in the past, made both jobs super easy. They were reasonably straightforward for someone who has done some bearing replacements in the past, but always easier when you know what to expect. Built my own cam lock/removal/install/rms tools, but I have precision lathe and mill, so I was able to make them out of extra stock I had around. Still have to install the flywheel/clutch/transmission just waiting on some micro-encapsulated bolts. Winter in New England, so may as well just wait, not doing donuts in the snow with the Porsche, my truck however might be a different story.
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