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Old 12-17-2017, 06:23 AM   #1
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2000S IMS confusion

Sorry in advance for bringing this up again, but completely confused with info vs what I found in my car.

Info I'm finding states the 2000 could be either dual row or single row. Pulled tranny got to bearing, number on bearing is a NSK 6204DUA17. According to research the 6204 bearing is single row, but depth dimension is 14mm, I measured from the face of the bearing to the part of the center stud pressed into the inner race and I get 20mm... which is close to dimension of double row. My cover is the single o ring seal type with no part number markings on it. I haven't pulled the bearing at this point, don't want it removed and loose while I am ordering replacement.

Anyone help with what type of bearing I have?

I went in due to a pretty good oil leak. Clutch was just starting to kiss the rivets, so I am replacing clutch & all peripherals, flywheel, RMS, and IMS. Car has 97k miles on it & I have no service records. Oil was clean of any kind of debris and motor runs fine, so just piece of mind replacement. Wondering if this is original IMSB.

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