Originally Posted by rick3000
The Los Angeles area has 9 Porsche dealers and about 20 million people. Not sure where you would find 5-6 dealerships with only 5-6 million people. I also doubt anyone could afford to buy up dealerships just to close them, nor do I think Porsche North America would allow it. If you have a problem with your local PCA reach out to the National PCA HQ for guidance.
PCA is not tiny. Reaching out to the national organization is exactly what you should do. I'm also guessing that the local chapter doesn't want to piss off the only dealer in town because they'd lose a major partner for discounts and events.
More than anything I'm not sure what you expect any of us to do. This is a forum for cars that haven't been produced in 13 years. Most of us never see a dealership. Id hardly call this corruption though.