Thread: Oil Indicator
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Old 11-12-2017, 07:50 AM   #1
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Oil Indicator

Ok, I replaced the ignition switch today 'cause the key was getting very hard to turn and well...I had one. No electrical gremlins causing me problems but I figured why not replace now instead of waiting for something to happen. I'm small so no problem getting in the footwell. Removed the ductwork and everything went easy. Was done in about 10 minutes. Everything started up fine and works except my oil indicator won't work now. Two bars light up and it cycles like it's trying to read but it just keeps cycling. Two other things are a little weird too. The metal click after you remove the key takes about 5 to 6 seconds to happen now and there is a timer that appears below the mileage and it counts down from 4:00 minutes. What's up with that? Should I put the old switch back in? I did not disconnect the battery. Any ideas? Thanks as always...
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