Thread: Z-top thread
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Old 11-06-2017, 10:14 AM   #6
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Opinions. My new top fits really nice without the two front tabs. The tabs that came with the top were the wrong ones. May get the right ones but who knows.
Using the factory tabs off my convertible top it latches unevenly. When side fits right, the other doesn't. Shift so the one that doesn't fits, the other side pulls uneven. I know it's not the top because of how it fits w/o the tabs. What part of the tabs do you think need trimmed? This is incase I'm unable to get a set from Zart. Passenger side fits:
The drivers side does this etc.

The tabs w/o top, both sides fit:

Switching sides on the tab has no effect. Where would you trim the tab, tabs?

Last edited by JBauer; 11-06-2017 at 02:45 PM.
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