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Old 11-05-2017, 05:26 AM   #49
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As an addendum comment, one thing that I was confused on was this whole issue of "alignment" problems arising in conjunction with this project. On asking around I learned that it apparently has nothing to do with wheel alignment, only alignment of the bolts and holes when trying to re-install the reinforcement plate just below the transmission.

And I got different results than some depending on how one gets their car up in the air. The first time I rolled it back onto ramps, doing this on a sloped driveway such that the back end was elevated while front wheels were still on the concrete, and the car was level. I had no problems getting the plate back on that time. That was 30-35k miles ago, so I decided it was time to repeat the oil change. Out of curiosity this time I put the car on 4 jack stands to access the transaxle drain and fill plug. This time I did have difficulty getting the plate back on. A lot of difficulty. So anyway, this time I took the advice that's been given: got a 2 1/2" hole saw and made an opening below the drain plug for next time.

BTW, another thing I noticed: Both Bentley and 101 Projects were, for me, misleading as to where the fill plug was. They show it right next to where the shaft comes out of the transmission (ie just in front of where the inner axle boot is, driver-side). In my car ('01 S) it was on the same side (ie driver's side) but several inches behind the shaft. It's pretty obvious, pretty much looks just like the drain plug (10 mm Allens both, in my car), but it just wasn't where they said it was.

Also, another recommendation: In my car either plug fit into either opening, and I mixed them up. When I refilled the oil, I noticed a little seepage at the drain hole. Then I noticed that the fill plug had a thick washer on it; the drain plug did not. I had switched them! Obviously the drain plug (being lower) is the one that needs the washer. So don't do that..
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