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Old 11-04-2017, 08:10 PM   #4
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: New Hope, Pa
Posts: 59
Cheap(ish) Boxter.... I know no such animal!

Hey Guys,

50 YOA newbie here! In North East PA. I just sold off my basket case 1984 944 that I got from a buddy for the trade of a handgun.... Was just a parts car... But it sat for 8 years and I got it running And drove it for a year + and did all the wrenching on it myself.... So it only cost me About $1000 in "tuition" to learn how to keep her running..... Snif, sniff.... Even though she was a fugly pig..... And was nickel and diming me to death.... I do miss her!

Sooooo I have decided I need a cheap Boxster....... 'cause I do not have enough suffering in my life.... I would like an "S" but only seem to find junk in my area.... Well So far!

I looked at one today and while not horrible (on the outside) was a 5 owner and last sold at an auction car.... It looked good in the pics.... But was disappointment in a lady of the evening.... That was working beyond her years.... Just dirty and sad under the armor all.... Kinda felt it was neglected..... But I am still thinking about it! The Body, paint (sorry for the obvious metaphor!) were nice and the top was fairly new.... Maybe worth fixing up.....? The price is right.... One of the sales guys said it would sell around $7500.... Motor didn't sound bad..... But the owner balked at letting me take it for a PPI.

Anyway..... I'm kinda thinking that I'd like to spend $6500-$10000 on a car..... One that had been well loved and taken care of.... (If that is not goofy!)

Does the 2.7 really have a noticeable difference then the 2.5? I am thinking a 2000 + car is the way to go.... But there are some 97-99 that look pretty nice!

I know, I know drive a slow car fast.... Not a fast car slow!

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