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Old 10-04-2017, 12:05 PM   #3772
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 67
Today I changed the rear brakes, since I needed to so I could pass inspection for an upcoming DE weekend. I'll take it back to the dealer and have the inspection completed and new tires all round mounted.

While I was in there I took a crack at the parking brake, which has always been a bit on the loose side, so much so that sometimes unless really pulled up the car would roll down the driveway. Figured out the adjustments thanks to 101 Projects for your Boxster, although they have changed the front adjustment betweeen the pics in the book and mine, so that I couldn't reach the adjusting nuts at the parking brake lever. They were hidden under the console, I could feel them, but could not figure out how to reach them. Some playing around with the rear adjusters had got me in shape, and it appears to hold at about 5-6 clicks vs. the 9+ before.

Took me about 4 hours tota for the discs and pads, parking break adjustment and cleaning the wheels while they were off. Doing just the pads on these cars would be dead simple.
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