Bad week...
Looking for opinions and past experience.
I have an '06 Cayman 101,000 miles. (Easy miles)- she has been mine since 20k miles with nothing but typical maintenance. (Just replaced flywheel, clutch, water pump last year)
Notice white smoke as soon as it drifted up during a red light stop. No dash lights, no noises, vibrations, strange idles etc. Knew from previous boxster experience probably oil separator so I puffed out the smoke like a mosquito truck for abt 1/2 mile till I turned into a lot to call for a tow. (Engine died as I turned into lot)
Shop now tells me engine is hydro-locked. Oil aspiration, can't crank it even when trying to manually pull with wrench. Shop is taking off plugs next to look for oil or other fluid. can't be good. I see these posts about rollers bringing $4k, I've already spoken to a company in Florida that will give me 4k but car is immaculate (um, other than not having a currently running engine)
Is that it? 4k??? ....i knew it would be low but in thought it least 6500-6k. What about indie shops? Do they buy to have a parts car on hand? I'm sick over this.
If they pull the plugs and are able to put a wrench on it and get it to crank what does that mean? Can bad plugs cause an engine to Just seize up? I may be going though denial ....but is there anything else that could be going on??? Any thoughts? I'm prepared to put $2500 in a fix but at 100k miles, even though she is real pretty, I just can't justify more.
Last edited by TNcargirl; 09-15-2017 at 07:29 PM.