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Old 09-15-2017, 05:16 PM   #124
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Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 310
Hi everyone!

Sorry for the hiatus from the forum and thread. Between work and life, I haven't had a chance to make more comfort-tops in a while. HOWEVER, I have been able to secure a CM to make them instead. In other words, we're back in business! I've put together a website to help better answer your questions and to better facilitate purchases.

Anyone who is still interested in a module, please visit the website I've linked below and fill out the reservation form. This will allow me to tell the manufacturer how many need to be made so that there is enough for everyone. If you've already PM'd or replied here, I'd appreciate it if you still reserve through the website so that there isn't a chance of being overlooked.

Thank you all for your continued interest! I'm really glad to be able to make these for you guys again!

Last edited by Shehadehd; 09-15-2017 at 05:57 PM.
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