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Old 09-15-2017, 04:22 PM   #142
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Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 356
Well, there is one thing still plaguing me.
I have had all of the carpet pulled up from the trunk for a while now.
I filled it with coolant and drove it and am letting it cool down.
All seems well, except that the strange "rag carpet type thing" that goes across the rear of the bulkhead is wet in the lower right corner by the tank. It has not dried up since the meltdown. I think this may mean that there is steam or coolant leaking onto it ever so slightly or it just hasn't dried out yet.
It is pretty thick stuff and maybe it will just take a while to dry out?
It must be so small of an amount leaking that it's not visible.
The tank is dry, the hoses seem dry, but that thing should not be wet. What is that, anyway?
How can I test it to see if it is indeed being leaked on?
When I press down on it, it's wet.
There's been so much water, coolant, overflow, etc in the past week that I can't tell if it's indeed just soaked or is continually getting wetter.

Last edited by robdelorenzo; 09-15-2017 at 04:53 PM.
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