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Old 09-08-2017, 03:52 PM   #123
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Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 356
Some of you may be sick of reading this, but here goes.

I pulled out the water pump and thermostat today.
Tested the thermostat in a pot of boiling water and it opened, so I know that works.

The water pump did have a blade or two that appeared to have had some of the blade sanded down a bit. Nothing too major, but when I compared it to the new pump and used a magnifier, it really looks like it to me.

I'm going to flush the car a few times tomorrow and see what happens.
I'm really not quite sure how anything will be any different as the thermostat is good, the pump bearing spins fine and other than a barely noticeable amount of impeller being sanded off, nothing's changed.

Will a new pump and thermostat, coolant overflow cap, flush, fill, and I also cleaned out a small village of hobbits worth of crap out of the radiators (which I'm sure was blocking some air flow) make any difference or do I have bigger problems?

The coolant had no oil in it and was pink and the oil was dark, but did not have coolant in it when I changed it a few days ago.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the coolant overflow will stop.

I will know more tomorrow and thanks for the help and encouragement.

I now know how to do a thermostat and water pump!

Last edited by robdelorenzo; 09-08-2017 at 03:54 PM.
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