Thank you Jakeru and Porsche9, greatly appreciated.
Update on my TMPS project:
The Chinese BLE TMPS arrived. I had a couple of questions and VXDAS customer support offered EXCELLENT, fast and detailed, customer support. That is really noteworthy!
So far, under test lab conditions (a hair dryer blowing warm air on a, I got nicely animated results with in my iOS app (android is available too).
Update frequency seems a little random, but that is probably due to my tast lab conditions, which means not installed on a wheel.
The Valves are made out of aluminum, which is required for high speed tires. Sadly they could not officially confirm Vmax >250km/h. Will see what the tires shop has to say about them...

I have NO CLUE how they communicate with my iPhone, as I cannot see any TMPS device in my Bluetooth settings, at all. Must be Chinese magic