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Old 08-30-2017, 09:32 AM   #13
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CEL last evening - about 30 min drive to local place to read intake cam deviation (bank 1 1.22 crk bank 2 6.61 crk). CEL came on after starting car to read deviation values.

Freeze Frame
Fuel sys sta B1 OL, not ready CL
Fuel sys sta B2 OL, not ready CL
Calc load 1.96%
Coolant 203 F
ST fuel trim B1 0%
LT fuel trim B1 -1.57%
ST fuel trim B2 0%
LT fuel trim B2 -7.04%
engine speed 640 rpm
vehicle speed 0

CEL this morning - 30 min commute to work, came on about 1.5 miles from work just leaving a stop light in first gear making a left.

Freeze Frame
Fuel sys sta B1 CL, using Ho2S
Fuel sys sta B2 CL, using Ho2S
Calc load 33.72%
Coolant 213.79 F
ST fuel trim B1 3.89%
LT fuel trim B1 -0.79%
ST fuel trim B2 -9.91%
LT fuel trim B2 -0.79%
engine speed 4240 rpm
vehicle speed 21.7 mph

Another theory is the exhaust cam timing isn't dead on. Gelbster I think you posted this else where. Can the following be done with the engine in the car? Does it need to be dropped a little or come all the way out (Bank 2 // 4-5-6 side)? I think I read the cam timing could be checked/adjusted in the car with Jake's tools but not the standard Porsche tools. About how many hours would a shop charge to do it?

"use the adjustment tool 9612 (NOT the lock tool 9634) to assess the alignment. Yes, use the silver and red tool! Also note that Jake recommends - slacken the 4 adjuster bolts, adjust the Exh cam with the silver+red tool, micro -adjust the crank to align the pin hole (TDC pin 9595). Yes, this is the opposite way round to what is often recommended. The reason is that the cams are difficult to rotate (22mm wrench?) - so fix that first. The crank is easy - so do that last."
2003 S, 6 Speed, PCM, PSM, Bose, Litronics with washers, on its' second LN IMSB, comfort top, UDP, 987 engine mount, 997 RMS, Koni Sport Shocks, H&R springs, Techno brace, comfort blinkers, nin8six windscreen, particlewave light up cubby
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