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Old 08-30-2017, 07:27 AM   #225
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Alabama
Posts: 487
Wow! Again.
Fred, I'm in the old school camp that doesn't like lights / videos / maps / graphics and other visual distractions in the cockpit. Nor am I generally in favor of aesthetic updates on older cars, which usually works about as well as a granny in tight jeans with a sexy new tatoo.
But damnnn, you are about to win me over with the potential functionality of this thing!!!
One development request: with my cell phone, I SPEAK the address to which I wish to navigate, which is both easier/faster and much safer in the car than trying to type. And some sort of support for offline navigation will be necessary if this is to be more tool than toy.(If I got lost every time my mobile internet access has a glitch, I'd be a very frustrated person.)
If these 2 things are possible right out of the box, I think you can count me in.
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