Well I'm stumped.
It's not the plugs or the coils. The shop says they touched all the connections to ensure they were clean and tight. They reviewed hours of PWIS files and the code still pops up randomly. Fuel trim on bank 2 seems a little higher than bank 1 but I'm no expert.
One theroy includes a small volumetric difference between the old head on 1-2-3 and new/used head 4-5-6 which is causing the system to see a difference on the 4-5-6 side.
Another theory says it's an electrical gremlin potentially tied to the under drive pulley. It's a perception that the fault occurs at or near idle and the under drive pulley doesn't create enough voltage (perhaps from a tired alternator) and then the CEL goes off.
In the mean time I'd like to get a blue tooth OBDII reader that can be "permanently" installed and store scrolling data, once the CEL pops I can capture the data in the previous 5-10 mins via my ipad. Any suggestions until Fred's infotainment center is online?
2003 S, 6 Speed, PCM, PSM, Bose, Litronics with washers, on its' second LN IMSB, comfort top, UDP, 987 engine mount, 997 RMS, Koni Sport Shocks, H&R springs, Techno brace, comfort blinkers, nin8six windscreen, particlewave light up cubby