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Old 08-28-2017, 11:23 AM   #1
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Posts: 356
Afraid of the answer.....

2002 Boxster Base 140k
New AOS, water pump, engine mount, maf, plugs, coil pack (all that I can think of at the moment)

Yesterday while driving home, all of the dash lights started flashing, temp gauge maxed out, steam clouds everywhere, ps Went out, somehow I made it home.

Today I pulled the engine cover and saw that the alternator pulley is GONE.
It sheared off. Belt was intact but not connected to anything.

Oil looks clean, as I poured in distilled water, it came leaking right out from what appears to be the center of the engine.

Called my indie. He said to try and start car as it cooled off all night. It started fine and sounded ok but felt a bit sluggish. I shut it down. Tried it again. No screaches, clunking, or loud mechanical noises. Mechanic says that's a good sign.

But he said we need to replace alternator and find and fix leak before even assessing what other damage may have been done. That's going to probably cost 1k to even find out.

Is it worth the $$ to even find out?
Or is it a roller now? If so, what's a roller worth in Socal?
What are the chances that no major damage was done since the engine started?

Not too happy about this, needless to say.
Continuing to drive was not smart, but I can't undo that now.
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