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Old 08-26-2017, 09:39 PM   #13
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Well, on the PB Pro Polish, the Autopia table seems to indicate no fillers. (The products with fillers are listed in purple.) But, in any case I've drifted away from that choice. Based on a test run on a small panel yesterday morning (using my available Menz Intensive Polish), I'm thinking I'm going to get a couple more Menzerna products---one a bit more aggressive and one a bit less aggressive than the IP.

Another question I've developed is pads. Leaning towards the Lake Country hydro-tech pads as they seem to be getting some good reviews by folks that have used them. (These versus the CCS pads on one hand and the flat pads on the other.) I find that I'm starting to spend more $$ than I had intended, so I was thinking I'd just drop down to the 5.5" pads (from the 6.5" that I'm used to) and not get the smaller adapter plate and small pads.

The issue I need to address is thickness: 1.25" versus 0.875" (ie 7/8"). I'm used to the former, but at the moment Autogeek is out of that in the 5.5" pads. I've read that some folks like the thinner ones. I've hesitated to go that way--I figured the thicker were a bit safer, distributing pressure more evenly and hugging the curves better as I moved around.

Has anyone used both and developed a preference?

Also read a couple people recommending Buff & Shine pads They've got a pretty nice selection---anybody have any experience with them?
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