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Old 08-17-2017, 09:56 AM   #167
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Join Date: May 2016
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Posts: 410
Windows 10... Sigh. (And this is from a die-hard Windows person). My wife just purchased a new laptop w/ win10, and boy does it (insert your own expletive here). My plan this week is to install a copy of 7 (or hell, XP) so she can actually use it.

PLEASE tell us that the first thing your unit WONT do is prompt to update or direct us to Microsoft to purchase (what I feel should be included) software. I'm glad you went with the largest possible screen to accommodate all of the unwanted advertising and suggestions for items we don't want.

Above rant was meant in jest... I am sure you will just be running a shell and that Windows is just the OS. If this is indeed the case, coding the shell must be a PITA, and again (and always) thanks.
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