MOTY ; Most Obsolete Talented Yawny!
To bore you all more... here goes a
Quick Update and more funny pics
Was struggling with the little four USB dip thingies I previously sourced online (seen in previous screen grabs; little independent pcb holding a single usb port). Wiggly stuff, and it needed a pretty complex system just to hold that stack-of-stuff together. Too many screws also and sure it would have needed bubble gum to patch things up loll
So I just tossed away that old stuff and went custom, again. Why making a fuss ab it and where does this leaves us?! Nowhere, just a week behind/late as we now need to wait for the parts to show up and test out okay :/
All better stuff tough… TE Connectivity /AMP only, a whooping $0.8cents/connectorX4 onto a $0.25 PCB. We’re so awll ruined
I’ll update nx week when things are working again.
^ Talking about this little 4 ports connector pack. Present itself on the ‘back’ panel (not the front, no worries loll)
^ Goes here, there, somewhere in that lower back corner.
^ As shown above, even the most advanced circuit board known to human (and other races) can take up to 5hrs to measure and put together in a CAD assembly. Thankfully, FREE software like
Circuit Maker does it so well. So easy you could ask your sister to do those PCB for you
^ Once you've toasted this in C.Maker, aligned everything and made the current traces thick enough to cope with 500ma, you then shoot this over a PCB Printing Co in Gerber format and they'll do the rest for you. Example of this same PCB loaded onto
OSH Park's backend.
And that is how its done, basically! Lucky for me, the pcb printing companies here does it in 24hrs (+1 day shipping). Hehhehheh
And $4 dollars later LOL (all very important Quick Updates fellas)