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Old 07-28-2017, 12:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Silber View Post
The seal is supposed to keep the grease in and other stuff out. Even heated liquefied grease should stay in there to some extent. I just wonder why when these are taken apart there is no grease, only oil.

It seems like there has to be some factor other than simple heat that would remove all the grease and substitute oil. Air expands and contracts with heat, this creates pressure in a sealed system, or movement of fluids/gasses in a system with a leak. I think the bearing seals are that leak and the action of the air pulls oil through the bearing over and over washing the grease completely away. Remove the air reservoir and (hopefully) the problem is solved.

I could well be wrong, but most analysis of the IMS looks at the grease washout as a given, and tries to solve the problem from there by throwing fancy bearings at it. I want to go back one step and solve the grease washout problem so the fancy bearing is not needed.


The grease is washed out.

If you don't understand why read the SKF brochure i've linked in the other thread. Especially the part with the sealings, contamination, lifetime and so on. OK over all it's 300 pages, but than you'll understand bearings a little more.

The IMS tubes are different in detail, because the used bearings are different. Some have circlip grooves, some not. Also some are for 3 chain and some are for 5 chain engines.

Regards, Markus
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