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Old 07-20-2017, 09:16 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Deserion View Post
Might be 999-230-498-40 [angled pipe] according to the 986 PET (107-10).

The line would be 996-355-577-42 (if it's going from the booster to the angled pipe).
I looked up the angled pipe on Pelican, and it says it fits my car, but it doesn't look anything like my photo.

Mine actually looks a lot like this one, but Pelican says this won't fit.

For the brake booster line, Pelican says that part was superseded by 996-355-577-43, but they don't have a photo. I did find a photo on eBay, but it doesn't look nearly long enough to reach the engine bay. My guess is the brake vacuum line comes in multiple parts and this is the part that connects to the brake booster.

The part that broke is the pipe which has a connector with a circlip which looks a lot like the Venturi tube in this diagram.

They have the part# for the Tiptronic, but no alternate for the Manual?
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