@thatguychad - thank you so much for sharing your ideas man. Love it when things are interactive like this, gives me a good road map RE what ppl would like and dislike. What you've described fits pretty much within what I had in mind already but you provided a few good points and those won't go unnoticed (e.g. Multiple USB ports, others also). Thanks for the help bud
Originally Posted by eicheldp
Please remember to keep it simple for Sparky. 
haha I remember Sparky lolll (old friend Don!) Got to be simple or I don't play myself bud. So far the only thing coming out of the prototype is a 12VDC black(-) and red(+) wire. Might need 4x output for the speakers + antenna port and that's it (I hope). Might also have 4x USB ports in the back of it but this has nothing to do with installation; more or less meant for the users to expand the functionalities.
Originally Posted by MWS
and as a recovering engineer (still stuck on step 8), I thought I might throw in my 2 cents...
I dont see your comments worth less than a million $ bud (2cent?!). Thanks for supporting and providing your vision of a perfect system. Can't promise I will deliver exactly as you are picturing but will be close enough. Should be, well, that's the aim anyway.
All about modernizing the front dash of my 20 years old Boxster with something that doesn't have toddler style icons and colors ranging from violets to pink (as in the hardest part of the design btw). Challenge you to find a 2Din kit around without-the-silly... near impossible. In the aftermarket kits anyway.
lolll "real knob"... you'd love this capacitive/touch trackbar. One light tap and that's it - set.
Quick Update:
Well, there is no update. Although I've done a bit of work two weekends ago, I haven't had time recently to things together... after being flown out of the country twice for other business. Good news is I am planing to resume all of this as soon as the hardware I've ordered 2 days ago turns up (GPS, sound, stuff like that).
I'll update this coming weekend!