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Old 07-03-2017, 05:24 PM   #2
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If you've read lots of threads on IMS you've probably gotten a feel for the issue and the vastness of the range of opinions about it, ie to do, or not do, the IMS. It all depends on how risk averse you inherently are. Me? I've got an '01 S that I picked up with 19k miles (in 2006) and finally decided to put a clutch in (even though I was experiencing no slippage--turns out it was in fact getting VERY close to due) last September with 81k miles. "While they were there" I had them do the IMS.

I was reasonably comfortable letting it go until I got the clutch done. As an '01, I don't know if I've got a double or single row bearing, but the car had plenty of miles on her (seems the IMS problems often, though not always, happen in low mileage cars). And I run her pretty hard, which evidence seems to indicate lowers the risk of IMS bearing failure. So, I was okay with waiting on it. Doing the clutch and not doing the IMS? That, on the other hand, just seems kind of silly...
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