If you have never used anti-seize the first thing you will learn is it magically gets everywhere...... your clothes/hair/face/shoes etc. I believe it is a living organism

Been using it for a very long time on everything from lug nuts to exhaust bolts and everything in between . The phrase the bigger the blob the better the job does NOT apply here , just a thin coat on the threads is enough . I like to use the copper based for high heat areas like exhaust or brake caliper bolts but have used the silver also with no apparent harm .
I have never had any nut or bolt back out or come loose on its own because of the application of anti-seize . Torque to proper specs and you are good to go . Where you will really appreciate the use is 5 years later when you have to remove whatever you applied it to . I know growing up in N.Y. ( rust ) it was a life/knuckle saver !