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Old 06-25-2017, 07:53 AM   #88
The Radium King
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yeah, durametric is just a poor-mans piwis. it's gonna take you lots of time, however - while the data is not encrypted, there is a LOT of it. the tool (duramentric, pst2, piwis) produces actual data for about 100 outputs - you'll have to figture out how to convert all that unencrypted data into something that means something (throttle positions, maf readings, deviations, fuel trims, etc. etc. etc.). not to mention the drive activations, where the tool sends drive info for about 30 functions to the ecu (like turning on the radiator fans). or the fault codes, where porsche codes don't follow odb exactly. if anyone can get it done it is you! i was just thinking that durametric might give it up for free in return for bundling their product w your product.
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