Originally Posted by The Radium King
wondering if a cooperative project w durametic is possible? ie, instead of reinventing the wheel, use the durametric cable and software to capture/process the data and (a) redesign their gui for real-time use, gauges, etc., or (b) have the durametric software export their data in real-time for capture by your gui software (should just be a slight revision of the data-logging capacity their software already has). durametric would be happy as it would mean more sales, and we would get something cool.
No idea what is Durametric, we don't have them in China although I've seen a clone once. Wouldn't be surprised if Durametric's business is already well established, they couldn't less about little potatoes like myself I'm sure.
The way we intent programing and delivering this system is by using the exact same features as the official PIWIS. I can borrow my Indy's PIWISII regularly and sniff the Porsche protocol over the kline as I wish. Like previously mentioned, nothing is encrypted on these cars so... a teenager could do this. Problem is "time" really, nobody volunteered to help so I'm all by myself on this project :/
That's how we do my friend. Plug in a Y line to the ODB and send it AT commands over the kline using the PIWIII. We then sniff the data going in and out of the port using the Peak's PCAN software. That captured HEX data is then converted using pretty basic functions in C# and displayed (likely) using plot graphs as you've seen in the previous page. Works man, fun also.... I can start-up my radiator fans and monitor my cam deviation degree real-time! LOLLL how useless
Here's the magic; the car hacker's Y dream tool

Can sniff pretty much anything coming out/in from my PIWIS II here. As for programing all this back into C... well... done that all my life so....